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I believe in merging faith with finance to foster a balanced life rooted in purpose and fulfillment.


I believe setbacks are stepping stones, guiding us to resilience and growth on our journey.


I believe in equipping women to rediscover their womanhood through financial independence, paving the way for holistic success.



I am often labeled as a wife, small business owner, DIY enthusiast, and passionate anime fan. Yet, beneath these labels lies a complex and multifaceted individual—and the same goes for you.

Society often confines us to narrow boxes, but I believe it's time to shatter those constraints. Let's defy expectations and embrace the fulfilling lives we truly deserve.

Come along with me on a path of self-love, self-discovery, and unwavering confidence. Together, we'll break free from limitations and celebrate our authentic selves.



Heyyy! I'm AttiQuewa "Uh-tee-kwa", and let me tell you, my journey has been one wild ride—a whirlwind of challenges, triumphs, setbacks, and revelations.


I used to feel trapped in a cookie-cutter life path, ticking off all the boxes society said I should. But it left me feeling empty, like I was missing something big. The journey through church hurt, people hurt, and trying to fit into molds that just weren't me was tough. Can you relate? It's a tough spot to be in. But through it all, I learned a powerful lesson: I needed to build my foundation on something real, something that wouldn't let me down. So, I turned to my faith. Doing things my way wasn’t working—it was making things a lot worse!


Alongside all this soul-searching, I dove into the world of finance. With over 14 years of experience, you'd think I had it all figured out, right? Wrong. I had the skills, sure, but I wasn't feeling fulfilled. It felt like everyone was following this rigid script, and if you didn't fit in, tough luck. But life's not black and white, is it? It's messy, complicated, and beautiful all at once. And that's where I found my calling.


I realized that finance wasn't just about numbers—it was about people. Their dreams, their fears, their struggles. And that's when everything clicked. I fell head over heels in love with helping women navigate their finances in a way that actually made sense for them.


Once I truly understood who I was in Christ, everything started to click. I realized I didn't have to live up to anyone else's standards. My journey was mine alone, and that was more than okay—it was liberating.


But it wasn't all smooth sailing. I faced serious setbacks and tragedies. From losing my job to battling mental health struggles, I felt like I was being pulled under by a tidal wave of challenges. And let's not even get started on the deep wounds left by years of sexual abuse from ages 4 to 16. It felt like so much was taken from me, leaving me with nothing but pain and despair that snowballed into EVERY area of my life, including my finances.


But here's the thing about setbacks—they're not the end of the story. They're just a chapter. And despite the darkness, I found glimmers of hope and resilience. Each stumble taught me something new, something invaluable. I learned that starting over isn't failure—it's a chance to build something stronger. It was a painful process, tearing down the old to make room for the new, but I emerged stronger and more determined than ever.


And then there were the triumphs. Oh, the sweet taste of victory after years of struggle. Reclaiming my sense of peace, happiness, and success felt like reclaiming a piece of my soul that had been lost for so long. It was a journey of rediscovery, of finding my voice and my power in the midst of adversity.


Through it all, my faith was my rock. It guided me through the darkest moments, reminding me that I was never alone. And my sense of womanhood? That became a guiding light, reminding me of the future I wanted to create for myself and for others.


Because of my experiences and my story, I've been able to empathize and support other women facing similar challenges. I know what it's like to feel like you have nothing left to give, to feel lost and confused. But I also know that there's light at the end of the tunnel, that there's a way out of the darkness.


So, if you're feeling lost or stuck, just know you're not alone. I've been there, and I'm here to help you find your way. Let's schedule a time to talk, where we can explore how we can work together to start your journey to financial and personal fulfillment today!


Let's Talk!📱