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How To Make Dealing With Your Finances Not Feel Like A Chore

Nov 05, 2019

Creating a healthy financial relationship can be hard... at first.

It all starts with the proper mindset and the desire to actually want to do better.

In this video blog, I cover my top 6 tips on how to not make dealing with your finances feel like a chore.


Tip 1. Create Goals and Challenge yourself

Tip 2. Create and use a vision board properly

Tip 3. Get Everyone involved

Tip 4. Treat yo'self

Tip 5. Don't handle your finances when you're in a bad mood or stressed

Tip 6. Don't beat yourself up when you "can't" do something... YET!




Connect With Me:

Instagram: @ThatFinanceChick
Facebook: @ThatFinanceChick


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